Thursday, May 31, 2012

HCG Diet and Me

Last Wednesday I went to the doctor because I had a severe sore throat, come to find out I had strep throat. Even worse than the painful sore throat, and ear aches, was the number that stared back at me on the new digital scale in the Dr.'s office. I had gained almost 10 pounds in the past month of clean eating and walking/running 3 miles a day 4 times a week. I didn't feel good already, and this did it, I started crying while waiting for the doctor. I have struggled with my weight for a few years now. I told my doctor how hard I'd been working and I didn't understand why I had gained and not lost. I had blood work done last year and my Thyroid tested and everything came back normal. Except I was defficient on Vitamin D, but other than that no reason for the weight gain and no reason for why it's so hard for me to lose. I was on Phentermine for 3 months and didn't lose any weight.He told me about the HCG Diet. A hardcore 500 calorie a day diet where you take drops or injections of HCG to help promote weight loss.I was skeptical, I have always heard losing weight fast was bad, but being desperate I decided to give it a try. Since Thursday, May 24, I have lost 9 lbs. I lost 1 inch off my thigh, my bicep and my hips, half of an inch off my waist and 2" off my bust line. I must say I am thrilled. I also am now very aware of how poorly I was eating without even realizing it.Since starting I've found many great healthy recipes to cook that keep me on track and that my family enjoy as well. I am not looking for a quick fix, I am looking for long term weight loss, which I know takes hard work. After the 30 days of this diet are up I will continue on an 800 a day calorie diet, and bring back the exercise. This is a life change for me, not a diet. I owe it to myself and to my family to be healthy and happy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Some things I love

Here are some things I love

My horse Rooster

My companion (every cowboy girl should have one) Bonnie

My cowboy girl, Olivia
My favorite energy drink,tastes great and the can is cute!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Stuff n' things

I got a new puppy
Her name is Rosie and she is a basset hound. When my husband is an a$$hole, instead of saying sorry,or just admitting he is in the wrong, he buys me stuff n' things. Rosie is the product of a majorly stupid fight. Now this may sound like major dysfuncytion, that is is! However,if it means I get new stuff n' things from time to time well it works for me. And it also means I have constant reminders of how right I am....
Rosie and Olivia, so happy together!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Freezing cold and broken things

Everything in or around my house has decided to break down since January 5. It started with the heater not turning on, then it magically fixed on its own right when our friend came to fix it. After the heater came the well pump, which had to be replaced, the toilet flooded our downstairs bathroom,and the washing machine won't fill on the rinse cycle. The battery in Chad's truck died, I ran out of gas a mile from the house.Next, we were given a nice stainless steel convection oven only to find out that it can't be converted to LP gas from natural; now mind you we didn't find this out until after getting rid of the other, not as attractive, but still fully functioning oven. Now we are back to where all of this breaking down started, the heater. It is about 28 degrees outside and going to get down to 17. Tomorrow night and Friday they are saying 3-5 inches of in Texas no less!And ya know what? I have a non functioning heater and 3 pieces of firewood left....can you say "FREEZING"
Stay warm readers!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Howdy ya'll. I like saying that, more effect than anything. Typically I say hello, or bon joir'. I am 24, soon to be 25, smack dab in the middle of my 20'. That is pretty scary to me, I don't know why though....hmm I digress, I live in Texas, close to a little town called Houston. We have 5 acres, and while it may not be much it is my little ranch/farm/zoo which I love. I have a daughter who is 3.5 years old and me thinks she is the cutest, smartest kid in the world, but I am slightly biased. My hubby is a lineman by day, and cowboy by day as well and at night. He is actually both all of the time. So if you like Texas, or horses, or reading the ramblings of a domestic engineer who lives in the country, please take a sit down and enjoy!