Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Freezing cold and broken things

Everything in or around my house has decided to break down since January 5. It started with the heater not turning on, then it magically fixed on its own right when our friend came to fix it. After the heater came the well pump, which had to be replaced, the toilet flooded our downstairs bathroom,and the washing machine won't fill on the rinse cycle. The battery in Chad's truck died, I ran out of gas a mile from the house.Next, we were given a nice stainless steel convection oven only to find out that it can't be converted to LP gas from natural; now mind you we didn't find this out until after getting rid of the other, not as attractive, but still fully functioning oven. Now we are back to where all of this breaking down started, the heater. It is about 28 degrees outside and going to get down to 17. Tomorrow night and Friday they are saying 3-5 inches of in Texas no less!And ya know what? I have a non functioning heater and 3 pieces of firewood left....can you say "FREEZING"
Stay warm readers!!!

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